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Media & Media for SEN
[ Special Educational Needs ]

Deadline: 29 March 2017

Erasmus +
KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.

Strategic Partnerships for school education.

In secondary schools (11-16 years old) there are a lot of cases which are considered "SEN", due to social, economic, cultural and linguistic disadvantages. National legislations of Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, agree in the definition of this specific category of SEN, but don’t plan concrete methods of intervention. In fact, National Institutions delegate to schools the responsibility about definition of models and effective tools of intervention. As for the schools, they face more complex issues that make difficult to manage classrooms and identify and accompany SEN within the class groups: lack of cooperation among the teachers and difficulty in the construction of multi-disciplinary teams ( teachers, social services, psychologists and educators); a growing conflict within classes, due to phenomena such as bullying, aggressive behaviour both to peers and adults; a proven increase of school dropouts (due also to the failure in identifying and consequently incorrect accompanying students with socio-economic and cultural disadvantages).The project Media & Media for Sen, by testing a methodology based on conflict mediation and use of ICT to address the issue, has the

The project Media & Media for Sen, by testing a methodology based on conflict mediation and use of ICT to address the issue, has the specific objective to enhance the level of interception and accompanying pupils (11-16) with special educational needs due to economic disadvantage, social and cultural development within the class group, shifting the focus from the concept of integration to the much more complex concept of inclusion.

Currently, the project partners involved are from Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. It is a mixed partnership: part of it is already collaborating in an Erasmus+ KA2 project in the school field, and it offers a multidisciplinary team: professors, mediators, educators, psychologists, social workers and engineers in the ICT and media.

The results we expect to achieve are:

  1. Improved tools and methodologies to address and manage classes where there are students with special educational needs.
  2. Encouraged collaboration among teachers and other educational figures involved in the school system.
  3. Reduced the level of conflict within the group class with consequent reduction of school dropouts.